10 Journal prompts to help you spring clean your mind

Spring is here! It’s time to declutter your to-do list, disinfect your limiting beliefs, purge any judgment of your past, and refresh your goals.

And what better way to organize your thoughts than with mindfulness journaling?

These delightfully thoughtful spring writing prompts are designed to help you dig deep so you can take inventory of what is and isn’t serving you.

So dive in and and clear out any clutter that is clouding your beautiful brain.

10 journal prompts for spring

1. What is cluttering your mind? Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down everything you are thinking. No stopping, no editing, just free-write.

2. When it rains, it pours. Write down 5 positive affirmations you can think of when you're stuck in the mud.

3. What are you worried about right now? Taxes, relationships, work...Choose one area and reflect on it.

4. What physical items are cluttering your space?

5. What from your past is creating cobwebs in your heart? What can you do to sweep them away?

6. It's a bright sunny day and you've completed your to-dos list- how are you going to spend your day? (Time and money are non-existent.)

7. What does your future self look like? How can you plant seeds today to support the growth of that version of you?

8. Make a list of your goals for the year. From that list, identify one thing you are committing to this Spring.

9. Make a list of 20 non-physical things that are beautiful about you.

10. What do you need to feel a sense of renewal? Support, sleep, self-compassion, accountability?

Want to keep these prompts handy? Bookmark this page or download the free printable journaling prompt pdf using the link below.


Inspirational Limiting Beliefs Quotes


Don’t let limiting beliefs stand in the way of your dream life