Ready to LET go of your LIMITING beliefs?

Here’s everything you need to know…

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Simply put, limiting beliefs are thoughts that restrict you from taking action.

Usually based on self-doubt, fear, or uncertainty, these thoughts are the restrictive stories that you are telling yourself (consciously or unconsciously) that cause you to feel stuck or unmotivated. 

Let me pause here for a moment to let you know that there is nothing with you. (Read that again, if you need to).

Your primal brain is designed for survival which means these thoughts are your brain’s way of keeping you safe. The more you understand that concept the easier it will be to overcome whatever is standing in your way.   

Limiting beliefs are formed as a result of past experiences, upbringing, and societal conditioning. Your mind loves any familiar thought because it perceives it as safe (are you sensing a pattern here?), so you may notice your brain is clinging to these storylines intensely.

These thoughts can become so deeply ingrained that they feel like truths, but more often than not, these beliefs are based on misinterpretations of past experiences.

Why is this important? Because your beliefs can give you a feeling of certainty about what things mean and who you are. 

Being able to question your beliefs allows you to be open, evolve, and develop a deeper sense of self. 

5 examples of limiting beliefs

Think of limiting beliefs like the self-inflicted constraints you are putting on your life. 

Here are some examples of limiting beliefs….

  1. I’m not loveable/I’ll never find love 

  2. I’m not smart enough/pretty enough/rich enough to do this

  3.  I'm too old/young to pursue my dreams

  4. Success only happens to other people

  5. You need to have money to make money.

  6. I’ll never be happy

Limiting beliefs about money and love are some of the most commonly shared doubts people have. But no matter what your limiting belief is, if there is something in your life you want to change, it must be changed at the belief level.

You can’t just treat the symptom—you must dig deep and find the belief that caused you to get there in the first place.

How to OVERCOME your limiting beliefs

If you hold that belief that you will always be alone or stuck at a job you hate, it will be very difficult to find love and a fulfilling career. 

Here’s the tricky part, if you don't realize you have a negative belief in the first place, you have no choice but to sabotage your reality. The result? A heartbreaking love life and a soul-sucking career. 

The reality is it can be challenging to recognize and change these beliefs because they are so deeply ingrained— but it’s not impossible.

With the right tools and techniques, you can overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve your goals.

Here are a few things you can do to overcome limiting beliefs and start to live up to your full potential.

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs

The first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is to identify them. Pay attention to your self-talk by implementing a mindfulness practice into your day-to-day life. Meditation, yoga, mindfulness walks, and journaling, are all hugely impactful when it comes to identifying what’s holding you back. Keep track of any thought that is making you feel stuck, small, or giving you a general sense of hopelessness.

Once you identify your limiting belief, write it down and ask yourself if it is really true.

2. Challenge your limiting beliefs

Have you heard the saying “Don’t believe everything you think?” When it comes to limiting beliefs, deciding to trust or challenge your thoughts can result in a huge breakthrough.

Ask yourself if there is evidence to support it or if it is just a belief that you have accepted as true. Reframe the belief as a positive statement that is aligned with your goals. For example, instead of thinking "I'm not smart enough to do this," reframe it as "I am capable of learning and growing, and I will work hard to achieve my goals."

3. Visualize success

Visualization is a powerful tool for overcoming limiting beliefs. Take some time to visualize yourself achieving your goals and imagine how it will feel to accomplish them. This can help you identify the steps you need to take to build self-confidence and start believing in your abilities. And as a bonus, visualization can also help to increase motivation and focus.

4. Take action

Taking action is crucial in overcoming limiting beliefs. Grab a piece of paper and write down everything (yes, everything) you need to do to reach your goal. Then make a list of ways to overcome any obstacles that you suspect will arise. Identifying any barriers that may stand in your way ahead of time allows you to prepare for challenges along the way— rather than be defeated or thrown off course by them.

5. Seek support

Finally, seek support from others. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and support your goals. Consider working with a life coach or therapist who can help you overcome limiting beliefs and achieve your goals. Remember, these beliefs can be deeply ingrained and may be difficult to overcome on your own. Having support will not only propel your forward but will help you stay on track.

By identifying your limiting beliefs, challenging them, visualizing success, taking action, and seeking support, you dismantle your doubts and go after what you truly desire.

Need help overcoming your limiting beliefs?

That’s my speciality.

My coaching method is designed to help you uncover a new way of thinking so you can reach your full potential.

During my 12-week program, you will receive personalized support to help you overcome, evolve, and uncover your limiting beliefs. The tools and strategies I offer and designed to be used throughout our sessions and well after our work together has concluded. My goal is to give you all of the tools you need to manage your mind, support your personal growth, and live your best life.



No credit card required. No forced pressure. No awkward interactions. Just a conversation about where you are and where you want to be.